Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Having a Support System

With the semester ending I finally have a little time to slow down and do things that I've needed to do for a while--like update this blog.

My last few months have been pretty intense and have pushed me to work as hard as I possibly could in order to keep my head above the water. I spent this past semester interviewing with companies around Utah trying to find a good fit. I interviewed at a ton of different places, and I'm blessed to say I'll be interning with a great company this summer in the SLC area. I also spent this semester trying to succeed in my second-to-last semester in the business school. I'm blessed to say I survived, and I only have 6 credits left before I graduate.

The reason I bring this up is because one thing has become super clear to me recently: I couldn't make it through all the things going on without a solid support system. My parents, sisters, brother-in-law, and nieces have been such an amazing support to me. And my friends (you know who you are) and roommates that put up with me on a daily basis deserve a huge shout-out as well. I'm telling you, I wouldn't be where I am without these people who allow me to vent to them, to bounce ideas off of them, and to ask them for help and validation. Of course, I believe that God puts certain people in our lives for a reason, and I'm super blessed to be surrounded by these people who have been an unbelievable support system for me.

And speaking of God, I believe that He knows exactly what He's doing. As I've asked Him for help, He's given it to me. That help hasn't always come in the form that I most expected, but I believe that it has always come--and I'm so grateful for that.  He knows exactly what I need--even more than I know what I need. If you don't feel like you have a lot of people supporting you, you should know that you can always turn to God. Tell Him what's going on and ask Him for help. I promise that He'll help and support you in incredible ways--ways that no other person or support group could possibly help you.

I'm so grateful for the supportive people I have around me, and it inspires me to be better and to be that kind of friend to others. Let's all go out and try to BE THAT FRIEND. Let's be the shoulder that someone can cry on, the trusted confidant who can listen and counsel and give support. We might not know all the obstacles that others are facing, but we can reach out and try to help them with the burdens that they're carrying. I've been so grateful for people who have done that for me.

And whether you feel like your support system is big or small, I invite you to turn to God and ask him for help and love and validation--and I promise it'll come.

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