Monday, October 27, 2014


I've been really intrigued lately with the word HOPE.

I'm not talking about "I hope it's sunny outside today," or "I hope I get an A on my test," although I do hope for both of those things (but the longer this semester goes, the more I'm realizing both of those are probably unrealistic...)

The kind of HOPE I've been reading about lately has a deeper meaning. It's not a temporary or fleeting emotion. It's not just a thought or something that comes into a person's mind once or twice. It's a word that forms a mindset in someone and becomes part of who they are.

When someone has HOPE they are optimistic about the future.

When someone has HOPE they realize they try to find the silver lining in their circumstances.

When someone has HOPE they are resilient and refuse to give up.

When someone has HOPE they recognize that future success will be even sweeter because of all the struggles that have been endured along the way.

I'm not trying to say I have perfect hope or anything like that. I originally started studying this topic so that I could learn how to increase the hope in my own life. Sometimes it's hard to just "be positive" about what's going to happen tomorrow or next month or next year. Obviously, much easier said than done. It's definitely a work-in-progress in my own life.

I know there are lots of good people out there who feel like they have lost all hope. I've felt like that before. I hope that some of what you read here will help. Yesterday I was at a meeting where one of my Church leaders spoke. He was talking about overcoming trials and looking forward to the future. I don't remember word for word what he said, but essentially he said, "I'm speaking you as a Church leader, but also think of me as your grandfather." And then, as he started to choke up he said, "Hang in there." People that have a hope-filled mindset in their lives strive to "hang in there" and stay strong through trials.

To illustrate this point, I have two examples of people with firm hope:

The first example is of my mother. My mom, although you would never know from just talking to her, has had various health problems throughout her life. She has had to endure various surgical procedures and has been bedridden multiple times. Throughout her life, however, she has emulated a person who is full of hope and especially optimism. Her personality simply will not let her be negative or focus on unfortunate trials. I've never heard her complain about what she's going through. She's one of the most energetic and fun people I know. Every time she has gone in for a procedure, she has said, "I'll be OK. It will work out." While our immediate family is usually saying, "Mom, are you sure you're going to be OK? Don't you think you should just rest today and take the day off?" she always responds with a "Don't worry about me, I'm fine!" She wouldn't know how to "take a day off" if she tried. She's an example and a light to everyone she comes in contact with.

Another great example I could share about hope is my cousin, Tenille. She's truly an amazing person. She's married, 37 years old, has 4 little boys, and is pregnant with her 5th child, a girl, due next January. In August of this year, she was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma. She started a blog to describe her feelings and how her trials have strengthened her faith in Jesus Christ and His plan for us and our lives. I caught myself becoming emotional as I read her blog today. Even though she has just been diagnosed with cancer, she used the words/phrases "blessed," "renewed faith," and "hope" to describe some of the events surrounding her life as she faces this huge trial in her life. She truly knows and comprehends what it's like to have HOPE for a better tomorrow. Check out her blog at:

I'm grateful for the people who read this and hope it helps someone out there.

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