Sunday, September 21, 2014

21 September 2014

I guess my post today is going to be pretty simple. The last few months haven't been the easiest for me, but throughout the last few days I have had an overwhelming sense of gratitude for everything in my life. 
Gratitude is interesting to me. Immediately when I hear someone talk about gratitude, I almost always tune out. "Oh, they're just going to tell me to be more grateful" is what I always think. And, usually, I'm right. But recently I've learned a lot about gratitude and the positive influence it can have in our lives. 
I was introduced to the idea of being "grateful in any circumstances." It means that no matter what's going on, I can be grateful. It's easy to think, "one day I'll be happy (when I get a job, get married, or retire...etc), one day I'll be grateful for everything I have, but for now I'm just angry and stressed out." But I've learned that as I try to find the "silver-lining" in everything and look for the good, I have SO much to be grateful for. And it's made me so much happier. 
I'm so grateful for my good family. My parents and extended family have season tickets to the BYU football games, so I get to see them almost every weekend which is great. I'm grateful for the chance I have to talk to my family on the phone and to see them in person on a regular basis. When you can't directly communicate with your family for two years, you realize that in your life you have taken them for granted. I appreciate and love my family so much and am grateful that I can talk to them whenever I want now. 
I'm grateful to be here in school. School's hard, and it's not always fun. In fact most of the time it isn't super fun. But I'm grateful for the opportunity to be studying at a great university and for the chance to learn the valuable skills that will hopefully make me useful in the workforce some day. 
I'm grateful for my people in SoCal. You guys mean the world to me and have deeply impacted my life. I think about you on a daily basis and am grateful for things like Facebook that let us communicate and keep up with each other. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

**For more on where I got the idea of "grateful in any circumstances," you can check out:


  1. When there is alot of negative in my life which you know is often , I do dwell on that only instead of being grateful for the good things. In turn I am miserable and hateful and I really do not like feeling that way. I thought alot and realize that I do have alot to be grateful for and I need to focus on that.


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