Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Life Lessons

Not really sure how this whole blog thing works...but I figured it was worth a shot. So that everyone knows, I'll be posting on here once every few weeks with random uplifting thoughts, and of course my sports views. Before you read any further, just know that what I'll say in these posts is just my opinion and I'm not saying anything officially for my school (BYU), my Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - the Mormons) or anything/anyone else. I'm just a guy with some thoughts and if you don't want to read my blog, no problem, you can click out right now!

Last December I returned home from serving a two year mission for my Church. I had been living in different parts of San Diego/Orange County California. After being gone for two years, getting back into the normal swing of life can be difficult, to say the least. Immediately being thrown back into school, the dating scene, and regular life is a daunting task because it's so different than what I was used to doing for the last two years. Since I've been home I feel like I've learned a lot about life.

In no particular order, I wanted to share some of the things I've learned:

#1: Things don't always work out exactly the way we envision them working out. This is probably the biggest lesson I've learned since returning home. I thought I had my life pretty well planned out, and to say the least, things have not happened exactly like I thought they would. I'm not saying I have a hard life or a bad life (because I don't...I love my life), I'm just simply saying that things have been different than I expected.
I believe in God, and I believe that He knows me perfectly. I believe that He has a plan for my life, and that He will direct me as He sees best. Sometimes that's hard to accept, at least it is for me. There are certain things that I want, personally, but recently I've had to learn that what happens in my life is ultimately up to God (and His timing) and realizing that has made me so much happier.

#2: Surrounding yourself with the right people is so important. I have had the chance to be around and get to know some great people recently! These people have changed my life, and I now realize how important it is to be around good, solid people who have the same standards as I do. Also, I'm so glad that I'm back and can spend time with the most important people in my life, my family members.

#3: Being busy makes you happy. As a missionary, our schedule was busy from 6:30 AM until 10:30 PM every day for two years. So I never had to worry about being bored. Since I've been home I've had to set my own schedule and make my own choices as to what I would do during the course of a day. I knew this before, but it's been reaffirmed to me that being busy doing good things makes a person happy. Being lazy does not. Maybe it does for some people, but it doesn't for me. Having said that, I'm still not REALLY looking forward to school starting next week, because I'm taking Econ 110 and an Accounting class, so I think that my life might be over soon...

I don't know anything about writing blogs and I don't know exactly who is going to read these posts (if anyone!). But I felt inspired to start writing this blog, so I'll try to keep it updated every couple of weeks. If anyone has any feedback and wants to let me know how to make this blog better, I'm definitely open to any advice. Hope everyone has a great week!

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